Friday, February 27, 2015

That One Time I Failed Miserably

It’s time to talk about failures.
This past weekend was a rough one. As of Friday, I had lost 91lbs weighing a wonderful 203lbs. The last time I was under 200lbs I must have been about 12 or 13 years old (maybe). It’s been over 10 years. I was so close to this goal that I pushed myself harder than I have ever pushed myself.

For 4 days I ate oatmeal for breakfast, a simple homemade juice for lunch, and a raw salad for dinner. I couldn’t have been consuming more than 600 calories.  Each evening I would get to the gym and run 3 miles and power-walk somewhere between 1-2miles burning around 450/500 calories. For those of you who can do the math of my calorie consumption and my calorie burning- you are correct. This is not healthy.

I spoke with Justin on the phone and told him my goal was to lose 2 pounds that night. “TWO pounds in one day?!” he responded. I gave him an intellectual and well advised response as to how this was okay and doable and pretty much talked him into a different conversation so I wouldn’t have to justify myself.

That night I burned over 500 calories on the treadmill and ate next to nothing all day. I woke up excited to weigh myself. When I got on the scale it said 203 lbs.


Um, excuse me!! I practically starved myself and busted my butt on the treadmill! It’s not scientifically possible that I lost absolutely no weight. I was pissed off and annoyed. I decided to just eat whatever I wanted for breakfast. I had oatmeal, an apple, some date balls, cashews, fried plantain chips, almonds, and two veggie burgers and some left over dinner from the previous night… just for breakfast. For the rest of the weekend and for the next 3 following days I had chocolate, trail mix, bread, sandwiches, fruit tart pie, pop tarts, Cheezits, two pints of ice cream, candy bars, a small bag of Hershey’s kisses, macaroni and cheese, pasta, cupcakes, and chips.

I’m embarrassed even typing this, but I want to communicate just how hard it’s been to keep up this lifestyle some times. It DEFINITELY get’s easier when you know exactly what to cook and to buy when you walk into a store. But chocolate will always taste good. Working out will always be difficult. I can arguably say that working out is just as difficult as it was when I started but only now I can do more, better, and faster.

This weekend I made poor choices. During the week I worked hard and lost 5 pounds. In one weekend I gained 12 lbs. It’s so hard for me to admit that. I’ve been back on for a couple days and am already down a couple now but if I would have just been patient with myself I would not have needed to take so many steps back.

I will explain the spiritual side of my issue but there is also a scientific one. What I did the last couple weeks was put my body in a borderline starvation mode. I was pushing my body hard physically and not giving my body enough fuel. As my body tried to hold on to fat to keep my alive, I gave it very little option and forced it to burn it rapidly. My body would tell me to eat more using hunger pangs and giving me a light headed feeling after the treadmill, but the results were just too attractive for me to listen.

When I hit that wall, I got emotionally upset and decided to binge because I missed food so much. My body was finally going to get all the food it had been asking for. So I ate and ate but didn’t eat anything with nutrition so my body kept asking for more. I ate until my stomach hurt but still, my body craved the nutrients I normally fed it.

To protect me from future famine my body stored all the fat I was eating to save for later. I’ve heard this process described as borrowing from Peter to pay Paul. Tricking my body to do what I wanted was not nice at all. And the sad thing is, is that is not the first or even second time I’ve done this since starting my health journey. I’m abusing the Power over my actions that Christ as given me for my own agenda.

Which brings me to the spiritual side. I do think that this binge had something to do with hormones (cravings and emotional response and what not), but my actions really did not set me up for success. In addition, I did not take any time to have my daily communications with God like I laid out in my last blog. (prayer each morning and evening, worship and journal every day.) Being in a relationship (especially with God) takes dedication and diligence to stay relevant.

One thing I’ve noticed about dating Justin is the more we communicate to each other, the more similar our jokes and speech patterns sound. We get better and brining up topics that we know the other will be interested in, and we are far more comfortable being honest and open with each other. I would imagine if we were to take a week or so off from talking to each other it would change that dynamic. I would need to “catch him up” if you will.

So that is what I have been doing with God these past couple of days. Of course, He’s already all caught up with me, but I am so ready to hear his Word for me every day like usual.

As far as my diet, I decided to go back to three regular meals with a juice to work on while at work. Still doing about 4 miles on the treadmill, and my new plan is to work on distance rather than fast times. I’m hoping to include some strength training for runners so I can keep running farther.
Lastly, and I’ll leave you with this. I got some great advice from my friend Steve from church and my mentor Barbara. Steve is a runner himself and has been doing it for years and years. He advised me to take my running nice and slow and consistent. To not try and increase more than 10% at a time because otherwise it might lead to injury, but by keeping my running manageable I can still improve while also giving myself an exercise I can do for a lifetime.

Barbara told me to take my dieting one day at a time. To get up and give myself the goal of just doing well TODAY. To not focus so much on the overall weight loss and the future, but focus on doing well right now.

Both are great, solid advice and I’m happy that I have people who are always ready to speak wisdom in my life.

Thanks for reading and I’ll pray for you!

A little encouragement:

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