I know what you're thinking: dang this girl posts too much... And you're probably right. BUT, I really wanted to post tonight because today is what I would consider a SUCCESS. You guys must have said some holy prayers for me, lol.
I did get up kind of late and skipped lunch, but I had a banana for breakfast.
Then after work I came home an munched on raw celery and carrots. Then I for dinner I went to Fry's and picked up up some lettuce and an onion for a salad and then a box of strawberries for dessert.
Salad: lettuce, cheese, olives, tomatoes, and onions. I had one bowl with a little ranch and another bowl with caesar dressing.
Questions: Is caesar or ranch dressing good for you? If not what is a healthier alternative.
Inspiration: I don't really have a whole lot of inspirations for you today. But what inspire me for today was a dream I had last night about some guy proposing to me. There were two situations where we were trying to have fun like dancing and I forgot the other, but my weight made it difficult. So one reason why I want to lose weight is so I can do fun activities with my future fiancé without my weight being an issue.
Ranch and caesar both have lots of fat, so you're better off sticking to a vinaigrette type dressing, though those are considerably less tasty.