Monday, January 9, 2012

I've lost a few pounds!

Just found out that I've lost about 3 pounds :D
It's not a lot, but it's good considering that I've had so many bad days and I haven only exercised twice in 3 weeks!

... Well that's really all! Haha, I'm just a bit excited now. It may be only 3 measly pounds but in a about a week it'll be 3 more measly pounds... then the next week it'll be 3 more. And the 3 more, and 3 more! And I'll have lost 12 pounds! I'm also thinking about taking an exercising class when school starts so who know's how fast I'll be dropping the pounds then.

Well, have a good day! Hope you guys are losing too!

1 comment:

  1. CONGRATULATIONS! 3 pounds are totally NOT meaningless! Keep up the good work and keep working hard! Can't wait to read your post when you have lost 12 pounds - You can SO do it!

    Sheena : )
